Wednesday, July 17, 2013

And the Baby Will Be....

So I started this blog a few weeks ago and have been completely useless when it comes to updating it. My bad. I had the intention of updating more about the pregnancy, but I’ve discovered that I’m not one of those giddy excited moms-to-be. Why? Pregnancy sucks. I will never understand the whole, “pregnancy is beautiful and fun” thing and I truly believe those women are just in complete denial or on drugs.  Anywho, I thought now that we finally know the gender I’d post a few pictures and tell everyone the good news. So here’s what most of you are reading this post for: baby Heywood will be…..

A BOY! I’m really excited as I was hoping for a little boy for my first (and now possibly only) baby. To my sister who kept putting out the baby girl juju into the universe I say, suck it Trebek. Little boy Heywood is good and appears to have a round head, all of his organs, and his spinal cord completely contained in his spinal column; all things I was worried about. 

For those of you who have been asking for baby bump pictures, I haven’t been posting any because I haven’t taken any. Again that whole, I’m not a fan of this whole process thing. Plus, I’m just now getting out of the “is she pregnant, or fat?” phase and I didn’t want any pictures of me just looking large without a true baby bump floating around out there. Through peer pressure from my husband and being asked, I am posting the first baby bump photo of me.

 I am now at 19 weeks, with one more week until the halfway mark (woohoo!).  I am finally starting to get relief from my “morning” sickness, but it hasn’t completely gone away. I still get sick at night sometimes or after I eat a large meal. Apparently the baby is very particular about the amount of food in my stomach. I’m just very glad that I no longer have to take the two anti-nausea medications that I had to take just to function semi-normally. I still take one every once in a while when it gets really bad, but for the most part I just suck it up. Being tired is still an issue and I still have to frequently take naps. I have a feeling that this won’t really ever go away for me, which is kind of annoying, but at least I’m not throwing up anymore. 

Well, I guess that’s really all there is to update for now. Everything is going fine and the baby is healthy, for which we are very grateful.