Friday, January 2, 2015

A Happy New Year

So, let's be honest, I'm terrible at keeping up with a blog. Facebook is so much easier for keeping people up to date and communicating with friends and family. However, I've decided to give this blog business another try. 

I have decided to try and keep a regular blog for one main reason: I want to start this year off right. I'm not a New Year's Resolution kind of person, but with all the health issues I've had in the past couple of years, I want to start this year off with some positive affirmations and vibes. This year my word is HEALTH. So, to hold myself accountable to these positive vibes, I want to document my journey (both successes and failures) here. This isn't going to be a health blog, per say, I'll continue to post random thoughts and updates on life, but I want to include the steps I'm taking so that during hard times and set backs, I can look back and see the improvements.

So here's my overall plan:

1. I'm going to cook more and eat cleaner. The holidays really killed our family's forward momentum with eating a healthier diet and we really need to be so much better. 
2. Document my meals. I'm not planning on counting calories, instead just documenting what my food choices are. Research has shown that simply journaling your meals throughout the day makes you more conscious about your food choices and therefore helps you lose weight. 
3. Immunity Cleanse. Although I've used a few essential oils for many years, I'm really starting to expand my usage. Scott and I are starting our year off with an immunity cleanse. Our immune systems have taken a hit and we need to get it back on track. 
4. Time management. This is an area that needs major improvement. Scott does a pretty amazing job at this, but I'm terrible. I put everything off to the last minute and my excuse is always how exhausted I am. The truth is, though, that if I just managed my time better and completed what I need to get done (homework, housework, errands, etc.) first, I'd be less stressed and better rested. 
5. Relaxation/meditation. I don't do this. Ever. I think I do when I sit in the bath tub watching shows on my Kindle, but I'm technically not resting when I do that. I'm filling my mind with garbage and I'm actually just wasting time and avoiding everything I should be doing. I'm going to schedule time for actual rest, which includes resting my mind. 

This is what I have so far, and I hope to come up with more as I go. I'll post about each step as I start it. Feel free to follow my journey or start your own...or not. Really, this is more for me than anything and we all know how obnoxious some mommy blogs can be and I'm not trying to achieve that here. So at that I'll end my thoughts and comments for today. Here's to a great, happy, and HEALTHY new year!

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