Sunday, January 18, 2015

Hiccups In the Plan and Staying Positive

I have noticed that few things in life go according to plan. Despite all my good intentions, most of my goals so far this year have gone to the wayside. So many things get in the way. Right now, it's primarily school #gradschoolproblems (yes I just used a hash tag in a blog post). One thing I am going to do throughout my failures, is to not get negative about it. I typically continue to fail because I get frustrated and angry at myself and then stop working toward my goals. Life changes always come with hiccups, and if we recognize that when making life changes (be it diet, exercise, mental, etc.) there will always be lapses. However, in order to keep from going into a relapse, we need to recognize the lapses for what they are: a small set back but not a permanent road block. Lapses don't mean we have to wait until the beginning of the next week to start new, you only need wait until the next moment. So from here on out, when things don't go according to plan, my mantra is "start again".

To update on my progress so far, after having to start my immunity cleanse over, I am now on day 3. After 24 hours I noticed that my eczema from an allergic reaction I had to soap had begun to heal significantly. By 48 hours in it had healed completely. So I know it is working at least in one way. Yesterday I spoke with my doctor about using oils to treat my reoccuring infection and she was completely on board with it. So now that she has helped me come up with a plan of attack, I started using Tea Tree with her suggestions last night. It's too soon to tell if it's helping, so I'll report back on that later.

So here's where I really need to improve. I am eating terribly. With my birthday this month and my husband's job requiring him to work 12 hour days at the beginning of the month, I had little energy to cook and prepare meals. I can feel how terrible my body feels from eating so much restaurant food. I haven't come up with a great plan of attack yet, so that's what I'm working on this weekend. Find a good place to get easy whole foods recipes so I can eat right with minimal effort. I know how I should be eating and I prefer to eat clean, but sometimes life gets in the way and I admit I need help from outside sources. So, at that I'll close this blog post and post again when I've got a good plan set.

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